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Conejo Cactus And Succulent Society is a member of the Cactus and Succulent Society of America (CSSA).


Lithops & Conophytum

Ariocarpus & Obregonia

Plant of the Month (POM) What is this all about?

Each meeting of the CCSS will feature a friendly plant show/competition (POM). The goal of the POM is two fold.

  • Introduce the membership to the various cactus and succulent genera and to open up a discussion on the culture, care, and display of these plants.
  • Encourage members to share their plants with membership.

POM Submissions:

  • Members may submit up to 3 three plants in each of the two categories (Cactus and Succulents). Plants entered in the Intermediate and Advanced Divisions must have been owned and maintained by the member for a minimum of one year. Plants entered in the Novice category may be newly acquired plants.

POM Divisions:

  • Novice: (0-25 total points)
  • Intermediate: (26-100 total points)
  • Advanced: (>100 total points)
  • When a member has accumulated the total number points in their Division, they will be moved up to the next higher Division in the following calendar year.
  • We want to encourage participation and since this is our first year members can start out in the Division they feel is appropriate for their level of experience.

POM Judging Criteria:

  • Condition (health, form, damage) - 50%
  • Maturity and size - 25%
  • Staging (Artistic composition - container, stonework, etc) - 20%
  • Nomenclature (proper plant identification) - 5%
  • Additional criteria may include rarity, difficulty in growing, and whether the plant is in flower.

POM Judging:

  • 1st Place: (6 points)
  • 2nd Place: (3 points)
  • 3rd Place: (2 points)
  • All other entries will be awarded 1 point. Entry slips will be collected by the POM Coordinator for tabulation, record keeping, and publication in the CCSS Newsletter.

We are encouraging all members to participate in the POM. This is your opportunity to show off your prized treasures or to possibly learn how to better care for your plants.